Returns and exchanges for online orders will be happily accepted where the product has not been worn, altered, washed & is with original packaging. The product must also have all original tags attached.

Returns and exchanges will be accepted on all parcels within 21 days of receiving your parcel. Returns and exchanges can be processed by sending the goods back to the Online store.

To return merchandise simply fill in the required details on your returns form, securely pack the return merchandise and invoice in an appropriate shipping box, and send back (at your cost) to the following address:

29 Melrose Street 
North Melbourne 3051

 We advise that when sending your return parcel to us that you use a postal tracking service to ensure safe delivery.

We will accept returns or exchanges within a reasonable time frame if an item purchased is faulty, not of merchantable quality - meaning that it is not of the quality that you would reasonably expect when it was purchased.